
Showing posts from September, 2020


Bronchiectasis : Destruction / Dilatation of large airways - airways are filled with pus results in the features of bronchorrhea HISTOPATHOLOGICAL  EXAMINATION: CYLINDRICAL / TUBULAR - MOST COMMON subtype - Represents airways are dilated and thick walled which filled with pus by the dangerous organisms like pseudomonas. this organism later will form the biofilm in the lungs which results in antibiotic resistant. expansion of pus filled cavity will erode the blood vessels of lungs which results is massive hemoptysis and death of the patient. Cause of  death - Massive hemoptysis Causes : A) FOCAL - Obstruction which subsequently cause infection in the airway and results in pus. following condition can cause focal bronchiectasis - Foreign body aspiration (children) - Pulmonary hamartoma (adults) - Bronchial carcinoid (adults) note: Benign tumor in adults like pulmonary hamartoma and carcinoid tumors which encroached the bronchus and result in obstruction of airways and causes atelectasis.


 It is also known as MUCOVISCIDOSIS (because the secretions in body especially the one in relation with the pancreas, are very thick and contribute to various manifestation) It is also known as EXOCRINOPATHY (because this condition is having the propensity to involve the exocrine gland) PATHOGENESIS : AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE Defect chromosome 7 It is caused by the presence of mutations in both copies of the gene for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance receptor (CFTR) protein.  In cystic fibrosis - Phenyl alanine present at 508th position is deleted so, most common mutation if F508 mutation CFTR protein malfunction leads multiple manifestations chloride channel is defective, as a result of which chloride/bicarbonate/water transport doesn't take place across it and due to this periciliary dehydration occurs and mucus becomes highly viscid Important organs involved in this conditions: Lungs GIT Pancreas - results in type 2 diabetic mellitus in future Liver - biliary stasis can c


 Hypothyroidism(underactive thyroid) is a condition in which thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone PRIMARY HYPOTHYROIDISM Thyroid gland is involved T4 DECREASED , T3 DECREASED , TSH  INCREASED(T4↓,T3↓,TSH↑) CAUSES : INDIA most common cause HASHIMOTO THYROIDITIS ,  GLOBALLY - ENDEMIC GOITER ENDEMIC CRETINISM - Body with hypothyroidism since birth Food goitrogen - cabbage ,  Drug induced hypothyroidism : Amiodarone SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM Pituitary gland is involved T4 DECREASED , T3 DECREASED , TSH DECREASED(T4↓,T3↓,TSH↓) CAUSES : SHEEHAN SYNDROME (Pituitary infarction) Non  obstetric cause of pituitary damage called as simmond's disease - occurs due to AVM rupture ,HTN , Trauma , sickle cell anemia Cranial radiation/sarcoidosis Empty sella syndrome / CSF leak syndrome  CLINICAL FEATURES : Cold intolerance Myxedema (alopecia , puffy face , Hoarseness voice , thick coarse skin , constipation) Menorrhagia and infertility Headache Galactorrhea (TRH stimulate anterio


  Hyperthyroidism is the condition that occur due to excessive production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. CAUSES : A) PRIMARY HYPERTHYROIDISM Most common cause of PRIMARY HYPERTHYROIDISM is  GRAVE'S DISEASE GRAVE'S DISEASE ↓ Have L.A.T.S - Ab (Long acting thyroid stimulating antibody) identical to TSH ↓ Resulting in INCREASE T4 , INCREASE T3 , DECREASE TSH B) SECONDARY HYPERTHYROIDISM Due to Pituitary adenoma ⇢ INCREASED TSH , INCREASED T3 , INCREASED T4 C) TOXIC NODULAR GOITER Frequent in areas of iodine deficiency Diagnosed by Thyroid scan using I - 123/I - 132 Warm nodule ⇒ Normal uptake Cold nodule ⇒ suggestive of malignancy Hot nodule ⇒ over active tissue D) JOD BASEDOW EFFECT : Seen with intake of iodized salt for long duration in iodine replete population. Has upgrade of [iodine trapping leading to increase production of T4/T3. E) THYROTOXICOSIS FACTITIA : It is Thyrotoxicosis occurring  due to any other cause other than high salt intake. example: seen in patie